Director, Online Programs and Services
Richard Faulkner is Senior Consultant and Director of Online Programs and Services for LBL Strategies. Richard is responsible for the coordination and support of client education, training and strategic planning projects in virtual space. As senior consultant, he provides direct and indirect support to client strategic planning projects. He has been on the LBL team for 22 years.
Faulkner’s background includes ten years of experience in front-line client services and program management for KOOTASCA Community Action, a private nonprofit community action agency serving Itasca and Koochiching Counties in northern Minnesota. Richard worked with Head Start, WIC, LIHEAP, Housing and Weatherization and Minnesota Family Homeless Prevention program staff on shared initiatives as Director of Special Projects responsible for coordination of all inter-program and inter-agency collaborative projects. Projects included development and implementation of the agency’s outcome-based measurement system, agency strategic planning, developments for integrated funding and outcomes reporting between local nonprofits and the Minnesota Department of Finance, coordination of multi-county needs assessment processes and governance/oversight to federally funded multi-county welfare reform initiatives. During his tenure at KOOTASCA Faulkner served as Coordinator of Crisis Outreach Services for Itasca County and Coordinator of Itasca County Head Start Family Resource Centers.
Prior to 1992, Faulkner taught physical science at the middle school level and worked as a commercial and editorial photographer on projects ranging from national ads for McDonalds, Kraft and Pillsbury to photo illustrations of people in Esquire, Us and Time magazines. Faulkner completed an independent photo-documentary project with collaborating photographer, Thomas Lindfors, entitled “American Nile: Field/Faith/Family” that is now part of the permanent collection of the North Dakota Museum of Art.